21 Ekim 2008 Salı


When we stop and look at things we did at the past we find so many things to regret.Like wrong friends,wrong elections and mistakes in our relations etc.
Pschologists say that "regret is an inevitable fact of life".It means everybody regrets for some stuffs.I Think people regret more in today than the last years.Some regrets stay with us till end of our lives.For example let's say our friends are studying for OSS but we don't study.because we believe that we are clever enough to reach our aim.But when we enter the exam,we see that our cleverness is not enough to solve the questions.After the results anounced,we found that we couldn t reach our aim and went to another departmant that we don't want.In the future life we will always regret for not studying and this will effect our lives in a negative way.
To not regret of some stuffs we have to think things before we do them.

Superstitions :S

Superstitions are beliefs that some things can’t be explained by reason and there are certain objects or actions that bring good or bad luck.Most of the superstitions are old and people don`t know where did they come from.I don`t understand how can people believe the things which has no reason.For example they say that we musn`t open an umbrella indoors because that will bring bad luck.But they don`t say which kind of bad luck is it or what might happen to us.There are also some things that people use to bring luck.For example when people talk or want something to happen they usually knock on wood,they believe that this will avoid the bad luck.I just believe to evil eye and i'm sure that most of the people believe in this.
I think we shouldn't obssesed with superstitions so much.Because it can effect our lives in bad ways :))))))))

14 Ekim 2008 Salı

Diversity of Violence

Most people think of violence in a narrow context.They equate it with images of war, murders or riots. But violence comes in many more forms. The range of phenomena that could be included under this label is quite extensive. If one accepts the notion that any act that threatens a person’s physical or physiological integrity is a form of violence, then one needs to consider...that occurrences as diverse as racism, pollution or poverty can be symptoms of violent situations!!!

language and culture

To communicate with the foreign people we have to know their language.The most important thing that effects the language is culture.Culture and the language are interconnected.So we can`t use the one without the other...
I want to give an example for this: I lived in Tajikistan for 4 years and at the beginning I learnt the Tajik really quick but it was difficult for me to communicate with the people because everything was different especially the culture.Later when i got used to culture i started to use the language much more better and communicate with the people easier.
I suggest everybody to travel some other countries.But before travelling you should learn the language and the culture of that country if you don`t want to have some communication problems at the beginnings :P

13 Ekim 2008 Pazartesi

About myself :)

I`m Sumeyye.I`m 17 years old..I`m from Adana but actually i have never lived there..
since i was 2 years i`m in abroad.I lived more than 6 years in Azerbaijan and 4 years in Tajikistan and at last i`m in my own country :)
Hmm i dont know what else to say about myself but i can say that there is nowhere like our own country(Turkey)...Everything is great in here;culture,food(the most important thing ;) ),people are friendly and etc.